Grantee Database

Application ID


Application Type

Artists in Communities

Approved Grant Amount


Project Description

Inspired by traditional Balkan folk singing, music, and dance, Zado is a Sacramento-based vocal ensemble performing traditional and contemporary arrangements of international folk songs, particularly those from Eastern Europe. Our mission is to educate and inspire others about the beauty, complexity, styles, and intimacy of the music we love; to research, record, and preserve high-quality international folk music; and to present programs, recordings, and new art forms that feature unique folk harmonies and rhythms. We celebrate the splendor of the human voice, the cultural roots of the music, and contemporary expressions. Zado endeavors to inspire others to treasure their own heritage and traditions as well as those of others.

Organization Summary

Inspired by traditional Balkan folk singing, music, and dance, Zado is a Sacramento-based vocal ensemble performing traditional and contemporary arrangements of international folk songs, particularly those from Eastern Europe. Our mission is to educate and inspire others about the beauty, complexity, styles, and intimacy of the music we love; to research, record, and preserve high-quality international folk music; and to present programs, recordings, and new art forms that feature unique folk harmonies and rhythms. We celebrate the splendor of the human voice, the cultural roots of the music, and contemporary expressions. Zado endeavors to inspire others to treasure their own heritage and traditions as well as those of others.




3237 MAX CT



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