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California Arts Council Seeking Administering Organizations for Two New Funding Opportunities

SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Arts Council (CAC) has opened Administering Organization applications for its Arts Administrators Pipeline Fellowship and Individual Artists Fellowship grant programs. Applications for organizations interested in administering regranting funds for their regional or statewide service area are being accepted now on the CAC website.

“We are very excited to work with partners throughout the state to ensure that we engage as many artists, cultural workers and organizations as possible,” said California Arts Council Executive Director Jonathan Moscone. “That is the spirit and intent of developing the Administering Organizations regranting program, and we will continue to iterate and learn from this process so that we at the Council genuinely reflect the needs and aspirations of our broad and diverse California community.”

“Bolstering support for individuals, working in both arts administration and as artists themselves, is a priority action for the Arts Council,” added Council Chair Lilia Gonzáles-Chávez. “These administering organizations will play a crucial role in helping us to amplify the ripple effect of benefits for these programs, from person to organization to our communities at large.”

About the Administering Organization Grant for the Arts Administrators Pipeline Fellowship Program

The California Arts Council is offering the Arts Administrators Pipeline Fellowship program as a continued investment in the future of a creative California, an inclusive workforce in arts and culture, and the vibrancy of the organizations that are creating and preserving the cultural identities of all California communities.

The CAC will award funds to an Administering Organization that will develop and administer the fellowship program statewide over two years. The AO will implement a fellow-driven grant program, identifying approximately 11 emerging arts administrators for support and then pairing them with an equal number of arts and culture organizations dedicated to equity and community engagement for a 12-month paid fellowship. Fellows and host organizations and fellows will represent the geographic diversity of California. With oversight by the CAC, the AO will design and administer application processes for both fellows and host organizations; supply a suite of resources for the fellows, including a livable wage stipend; and provide professional development activities and immersion in a co-learning community. It will also re-grant funds to the host organizations for fellowship salaries and benefits, and for other expenses necessary to create an effective fellowship experience for the organizations and the fellows.

About the Administering Organization Grant for the Individual Artists Fellowship Program

The Individual Artists Fellowship program will support artists at key moments in their careers, elevating their capacity for continued contribution to the field and our state. Fellowship grants support individual artistic practice through unrestricted funding. This program is intended to support a broad spectrum of artists working in all disciplines, from diverse geographies and communities of all sizes across the state of California.

The CAC will award funds to one or more Administering Organizations (AO) that will be responsible for the planning and implementation of the Individual Artist Fellowship program in their region, including but not limited to:

  • Provide access and support for individual artists and culture bearers throughout the course of the application, award, and evaluation processes
  • Engage in robust, culturally and discipline-specific engagement and outreach to ensure comprehensive geographic reach within the service area
  • Convene fellows at least once over the course of the grant activity period to engage in networking and co-learning
  • Provide platforms including but not limited to virtual or print publications, exhibits, or performances to increase the visibility of the work of the fellows
  • Engage in regular reporting to and collaboration with the CAC, including providing interim and final reports on program outcomes and findings.
About the Application Process

The deadline to apply for these Administering Organization grants is August 31. Application links, guidelines, and more detailed program and timeline information can be found on the individual program webpages.

Find additional resources for grant applications, such as frequently asked questions and other need-to-know information at our Grant Resources webpage.

Media Inquiries:
Kimberly Brown
Public Affairs Specialist

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The California Arts Council is a state agency with a mission of strengthening arts, culture, and creative expression as the tools to cultivate a better California for all. It supports local arts infrastructure and programming statewide through grants, initiatives, and services. The California Arts Council envisions a California where all people flourish with universal access to and participation in the arts.

Members of the California Arts Council include: Lilia Gonzáles-Chávez, Chair; Consuelo Montoya, Vice Chair; Gerald Clarke, Vicki Estrada, Jodie Evans, Ellen Gavin, Alex Israel, Phil Mercado, and Roxanne Messina Captor. Learn more at

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