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California Arts Council Opens Applications for Grant Review Panelists

SACRAMENTO – The California Arts Council has opened the call for applicants to serve on peer-review panels for the 2023 grant season. The state art agency is seeking arts and cultural practitioners from disparate communities statewide to volunteer for a critical role in the grant application process as field representatives.

Grant panelists work both independently and virtually alongside staff Programs Specialists and other panelists to evaluate grant applications, ensuring an equitable, honest, and thorough review and ranking process.

Prospective candidates must be California residents with experience in a wide range of artistic, cultural, and social fields, including, but not limited to:

  • Artists and cultural practitioners of all disciplines
  • Arts learning for youth
  • Cultural placekeeping/creative placemaking
  • Cultural development
  • Youth advocacy
  • Arts programming of, for, and by people with disabilities
  • Social service, justice, community building
  • Adult, juvenile detention/court
  • Nonprofit management
  • Arts programming for veteran populations

In addition to experienced arts practitioners, this is a great opportunity for new and emerging members of the arts and culture community.

As an appreciation for volunteer panelists, individuals who complete their panel service will receive a $300 honorarium to subsidize them for their attendance at two meetings and rank submission activities. Panelists make a three- to four-week commitment to read and rank roughly 30-50 applications by the grant review deadline. An average of 30-60 minutes of time is needed to appropriately review and rank each panel application.

The deadline for application submission is April 18, 2023. Panelists selected to serve during the 2023 grant season will be contacted by CAC staff between May and July.

Complete details are available on the Grant Panels page of the California Arts Council website. Once panel applicants are approved by Council, those applicants will be eligible to serve on CAC panels for one year. Applicants will need to reapply on a yearly basis to ensure the CAC has accurate information for eligible panelists as needed.

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Members of the California Arts Council include: Consuelo Montoya, Chair; Vicki Estrada, Vice Chair; Gerald Clarke; Caleb Duarte; Ellen Gavin; Leah Goodwin; Alex Israel; Phil Mercado; Roxanne Messina Captor; Nicola Miner; and Olivia Raynor. Learn more at

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El Consejo de las Artes de California se compromete a aumentar la accesibilidad de sus contenidos en línea. Para obtener ayuda con el idioma y la accesibilidad, visite leer este anuncio en español, utilice la herramienta Google Translate del sitio web haciendo clic en el enlace “Traducir” situado en la esquina superior derecha de esta página.