LPA Design Studios is planning the installation of two murals within our new San Diego office in Liberty Station.
The murals are intended to inspire our staff and visitors about design, sustainability, process, and community.
Please see LPA’s website (www.lpadesignstudios.com) for further information on the company.
Concept Matter
LPA is an integrated, multi-disciplined design firm with six offices across California and Texas, providing sustainable
design for educational, mixed use, workplace, healthcare, and civic facilities.
Request for Qualifications (refer to timeline below):
Deadline: 6pm on 01/05/2023
Open to artists, aspiring artists, and LPA employees who are residents of the County of San Diego, California.
Entry Stair Mural: $4,000 (inclusive of supplies and equipment)
Breakroom Mural: $ 2,000 (inclusive of supplies and equipment)
Location Description:
There are 2 mural locations that you can submit designs for; you can submit for one or both mural locations.
One mural location will be on two walls of the open stair at the main entry lobby of LPA’s San Diego studio located
in Liberty Station. The walls will be clearly visible from the exterior of the entrance on the main central lawn, and
internally within the studio on both levels. This mural will be viewed by LPA staff, visitors, clients, and the public
passing by. The mural will be directly mounted or painted on a painted concrete surface substrate. The main wall
facing the entry door is approximately 11’ in length and 16’ in height. The side wall along the elevator vestibule is
approximately 15’ in length and 22’ in height. Please see the attached plan highlighting this location and use the
below link to view the area in a 3D Matterport walkthrough.
The other mural location will be on the main breakroom wall above/surrounding the millwork. The wall will be clearly
visible from the exterior walkway on the main central lawn, as well as internally within the first level of the studio. The
mural will be viewed by LPA staff, visitors, clients, and the public passing by. The mural will be directly mounted or
painted on a flat drywall surface substrate. The main forward-facing wall is approximately 25’-6” in length and 3’-5”
in height with a wide doorway opening. The side wall is approximately 1’ in length and 10’ in height. Please see the
attached plan highlighting this location and use the below link to view the area in a 3D Matterport walkthrough.
Matterport Link:
Password: 2765
Project Description:
The media and technique are undecided, it is expected that each mural will occupy the majority if not the entirety of
the wall surfaces. Artists can propose on one or both mural locations.
Mural media should be up to the discretion of the artist. Appropriateness of the media as it relates to the concept
matter is highly encouraged.
Selection Process:
A panel comprised of LPA leadership and staff will judge the submissions. Judging will be based upon creativeness
and appropriateness for the location.
01/05/2023: Deadline for the Request for Qualifications. The RFQ should illustrate the artists relevant work, provide
references and a narrative describing the artists approach to there work. The RFQ should not be project specific. A
list of 3 finalists per mural location will be selected by 1/9/2023 to develop conceptual proposals for both or each
individual mural.
01/19/2023: Finalists will present their conceptual proposals to the selection committee via Microsoft Teams
meeting or in-person if preferred.