The mission of the Saturday Conservatory of Music (SCM) is to provide affordable, quality music instruction to children residing in the greater Los Angeles area, while providing training to individuals who are interested in becoming music educators, either in a public or private setting.
The purpose of SCM is: 1) to train children and youth ages 4 to 20, in the lower socioeconomic status, to develop an appreciation of music and 2) to train more individuals to become music educators and disseminate music knowledge through a community-based/non-profit setting.
The mission of the Saturday Conservatory of Music (SCM) is to provide affordable, quality music instruction to children residing in the greater Los Angeles area, while providing training to individuals who are interested in becoming music educators, either in a public or private setting.
The purpose of SCM is: 1) to train children and youth ages 4 to 20, in the lower socioeconomic status, to develop an appreciation of music and 2) to train more individuals to become music educators and disseminate music knowledge through a community-based/non-profit setting.