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Grantee Database

Application ID


Application Type

Impact Projects

Approved Grant Amount


Project Description

Founded in 2008 OX creates and commissions experimental performance programs centering queer and trans voices across race and gender expression. We build bridges between the genres, artists and professional networks within drag and choreographic contexts. OX’s core values – experimentation, collaboration, and a thriving Queer arts community – directs us toward work that is artistically rigorous, engaged with community and and widely accessible. Our year-round presentations explore queer themes including family, lineage, history, race, class, transidentities, and the cultural and artistic significance of drag.

Organization Summary

Founded in 2008 OX creates and commissions experimental performance programs centering queer and trans voices across race and gender expression. We build bridges between the genres, artists and professional networks within drag and choreographic contexts. OX’s core values – experimentation, collaboration, and a thriving Queer arts community – directs us toward work that is artistically rigorous, engaged with community and and widely accessible. Our year-round presentations explore queer themes including family, lineage, history, race, class, transidentities, and the cultural and artistic significance of drag.




80 Turk Street

San Francisco
