¡FLACC! supports emerging and established Dance Artists of the Latinx Diaspora who are choosing to make dances of non-traditional, border-crossing, rule-breaking, cutting-edge, queer, avant-garde, contemporary, curious, experimental, abstract, sensitive, hybridized, neo-classical, or revolutionary varieties. FLACC creates a platform of visibility and inclusion for the radical and traditional aesthetics of Chicanx, Latinx and Indigenous Choreographers through multimedia dance performance, practice and discourse.
¡FLACC! supports emerging and established Dance Artists of the Latinx Diaspora who are choosing to make dances of non-traditional, border-crossing, rule-breaking, cutting-edge, queer, avant-garde, contemporary, curious, experimental, abstract, sensitive, hybridized, neo-classical, or revolutionary varieties. FLACC creates a platform of visibility and inclusion for the radical and traditional aesthetics of Chicanx, Latinx and Indigenous Choreographers through multimedia dance performance, practice and discourse.