The ECC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, nonreligious, nonpolitical organization made possible by the generous donations of our community.
ECC welcomes all without regard to racial, ethnic, regional, religious, political, or socioeconomic background and its mission seeks to:
Serve as a springboard for a vibrant community geared towards empowering EritreanAmericans in Santa Clara County and beyond
Preserve our heritage and history to strengthen cultural vitality
Make a positive difference in the community by providing social, cultural, educational, professional & recreational programs for youth, families, and seniors
Foster community spirit by creating a place for family & friends to come together
The ECC is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, nonreligious, nonpolitical organization made possible by the generous donations of our community.
ECC welcomes all without regard to racial, ethnic, regional, religious, political, or socioeconomic background and its mission seeks to:
Serve as a springboard for a vibrant community geared towards empowering EritreanAmericans in Santa Clara County and beyond
Preserve our heritage and history to strengthen cultural vitality
Make a positive difference in the community by providing social, cultural, educational, professional & recreational programs for youth, families, and seniors
Foster community spirit by creating a place for family & friends to come together
Request for Proposals open now for Arts in Corrections Coordinating Organizations!