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Individual Artists Fellowship

Information for our administering organization (AO) partners and their regranting artist fellowship programs are included in the chart below. Individual artists should contact the AO in their designated region for information on how to apply. This chart will be updated as details become available.

(see map below)
WebsiteFellowship webpageApplications OpenApplications CloseAwards
ArtsOCI – Southern California
Los Angeles Performance PracticeII – Los Angeles County
SVCreatesIII – Central California
Youth SpeaksIV – Northern California

Background & Purpose

The California Arts Council’s policies and practices prioritize racial equity and have a broad geographic reach into communities of all sizes and needs, and this includes providing critical services to artists and to the community at large. The CAC is committed to funding opportunities that support all of California’s creative ecosystem. Offering fellowship support to artists responds to the CAC’s Strategic Framework by directly supporting individuals who embody aesthetics, a key value of the CAC, recognizing all art forms and artistic traditions that enable full and meaningful creative expression.

Through a network of regionally-based Administering Organizations (AOs), the Individual Artists Fellowship (IAF) program will continue to recognize, uplift, and celebrate the excellence of California artists practicing any art form. In doing so, the CAC will showcase the centrality of artists’ leadership in guiding the evolution of our traditional and contemporary cultures.

Excellence, for purposes of this grant, is defined as an artist’s:

● Unique artistic vision

● Ongoing commitment to creative practice

● Engagement with and impact on the larger cultural ecosystem

This program will support artists at key moments in their careers, elevating their capacity for continued contribution to the field and our state. Fellowship grants support individual artistic practice through unrestricted funding. This program is intended to support a broad spectrum of artists working in all disciplines, from diverse geographies and communities of all sizes across the state of California.

Program Administration

Administering Organizations (AO)
The AOs will be responsible for the planning and implementation of the Individual Artist Fellowship program in their region, including but not limited to:

  • Provide access and support for individual artists and culture bearers throughout the course of the application, award, and evaluation processes
  • Engage in robust, culturally and discipline-specific engagement and outreach to ensure comprehensive geographic reach within the service area
  • Convene fellows at least once over the course of the grant activity period to engage in networking and co-learning
  • Provide platforms including but not limited to virtual or print publications, exhibits, or performances to increase the visibility of the work of the fellows
  • Engage in regular reporting to and collaboration with the CAC, including providing interim and final reports on program outcomes and findings.

Eligible Request Amounts

Region IV: $800,000To serve Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Marin, Mendocino, Modoc, Mono, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yolo, and Yuba counties

Matching Funds

This grant does not require matching funds.

Informational Webinar: Administering Organization – Individual Artists Fellowship (Region IV only)

Click here to watch the video
Presentation slides (PDF)

Arts Program Specialist Josy Miller provides an overview of the California Arts Council’s Administering Organization – Individual Artists Fellowship grant currently open for applications from Region IV only (Northern California).

Program Timeline

AO Application OpensDecember 15, 2022
AO Application DeadlineJanuary 26, 2023
Panel ReviewJanuary – February 2023
Funding DecisionApprox. late February  2023 
Funding NotificationMarch 2023 
Grant Activity PeriodApril 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024 
Fellowship PeriodSeptember 1, 2023 – August  30, 2024 
Interim Report DeadlineMarch 31, 2024 
Final Report DeadlineJanuary 31, 2025 
Estimated Arrival of FundsApprox. July 1, 2023-September 1, 2023

Staff Assistance

Before contacting staff, check FAQs to see if application questions can be answered. If staff assistance is still required for guidance or clarification, email is the best way to contact Program Specialists. We recommend that you contact staff well in advance of the deadline to ensure you can be accommodated. People who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind, or have difficulty speaking may dial 711 to reach the California Relay Service (CRS). Large print is available upon request. Translation services may also be available upon request.

Staff Contact

Josy Miller, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Arts Program Specialist