Join the California Arts Council for our upcoming public meeting on Friday, March 24, from 10 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Significant agenda items include:
…plus: a deep dive on the Healthy Places Index, a presentation from CAC grantee Los Cenzontles, and a poem recitation from our 2023 California Poetry Out Loud state champion!!!
The meeting will take place virtually, with public access available by web link or by phone.
New public comment process:
Beginning with our December 2022 Council meeting, the CAC has implemented a new public comment process, to help ensure specific, meaningful, and thoughtful contributions from the field for each of the important items that come before Council, as part of the discussion prior to the vote taking place.
Each substantive voting item on the meeting agenda has a allotted period for public comment specific to that item, as reflected on the agenda. Meetings also include a designated time for general public comment to address any non-agendized Council business. Individuals who wish provide live comments during the Council meeting must attend in person or join the virtually using the web link or phone numbers listed above.
Written comments may also be submitted in advance of the meeting of the Council and up through 10 a.m. on the next business day following the close of the meeting. Public comment may be submitted anonymously if desired. All submitted comments will be distributed to and read by Council members. All submitted comments will also be entered into the official record of the meeting as part of the meeting minutes.
Meeting agenda details, access numbers and links, and further information on public comment policy and process are all available now on the Council Meetings page of our website.