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Call to Artists: World Collage Day 2021


Submit a Cut-Out Page to the Special Edition
In honor of World Collage Day, Kolaj Magazine will issue a Special Edition of the magazine that features Cut-Out Pages and articles about the collage community. A Cut-Out Page is a selection of fragments that one can use to make a collage. The feature reflects artists’ styles and approaches to collage making and shows how artists select and organize fragments. People use the Cut-Out Pages to make collage. For instructions on how to make and submit a Cut-Out Page, visit the Call to Artists. The deadline is January 31, 2021 to be considered for the World Collage Day 2021 Special Edition.

Apply to become the World Collage Day Poster Artist
Each year, Kolaj Magazine works with a collage artist to make a poster and other marketing collateral for the annual event. This year, we want to hear from artists who are interested in being considered. The 2021 World Collage Day Poster Artist will receive a $500 stipend and work with Kolaj staff to develop a series of elements and backgrounds that will be adapted to various marketing collateral. The work will be completed by the end of February. To apply, send an email to with 1) the link to your listing in the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory; 2) a sentence or two about the themes or concepts that you’d like to work with; 3) any experience you have working with marketing teams. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2021.

Apply Now


Expires: 2021-01-31


Kolaj Institute




Kolaj Magazine c/o Kasini House PO Box 1025 Burlington, Vermont 05402


Artist Calls


Visual Arts