Grant Programs & Applications
Art Makes Us
California is home to more artists than any other state. Creativity is an indelible part of our culture. And with each new work and project brought to life – every image, every word, every movement, every sound – we’re writing our own story and defining who we are, and who we aim to be. The art we make makes us.
The California Arts Council is your state arts agency. It’s our job to help maintain our state’s unique identity by supporting the organizations that keep that artistic energy thriving and make our diverse communities healthy and vibrant.
The 2024 grant program offerings were selected and developed with several of the agency’s stated values in mind, among them accessibility, autonomy with accountability, equity, and sustainability. New and varying policies for eligibility have been implemented in an effort to achieve maximum benefit and broadest impact across the state. More details for each individual grant program can be found below.
For the latest information about our grant program offerings and other announcements, subscribe to our ArtBeat newsletter!
Visit our Grant Resources page for application resources, instructional videos, FAQs, and more.
Support to administer funding for artists and arts organizations’ work in folk and traditional arts expressions. | VIEW > |
Support to administer funding for enhanced opportunities for arts participation by people with disabilities. | VIEW > |
Supporting an inclusive workforce for the field of arts and culture. | VIEW > |
Supporting artistic residencies in community settings. | VIEW > |
Supporting projects integrating community arts partners as part of the regular school day. | VIEW > |
Direct funding to arts and cultural organizations in support of ongoing operations, prioritizing small organizations. | VIEW > |
Supporting an inclusive workforce for the field of arts and culture. | VIEW > |
Supporting nonprofit media projects building public awareness for the arts. | VIEW > |
Supporting student attendance at arts performances and exhibits. | VIEW > |
Supporting arts integration training for educators facilitated by teaching artists. | VIEW > |
Find the latest COVID-19 announcements, including emergency funding opportunities, arts reopening resources, and state guidance.