Home > Opportunities > 2050 S Bundy Public Art RFQ
Home > Opportunities > 2050 S Bundy Public Art RFQ
This call for artists will reach out for four different project opportunities at 2050 S Bundy on the Westside of Los Angeles.
The aim for all four artwork opportunities is to create world-class public artwork in a
diverse range of mediums that are designed to engage the community, and showcase the
cultural diversity of the City and enhance the various civic and public spaces.
Each location is different and asks for its own unique mediums utilizing highly imaginative
and forward-thinking approaches. Selected artists and artist teams will be asked to
demonstrate creative applications to support the building and activation of a community
interconnected by its public art.
We encourage Artists and Artist Teams to review the opportunities and consider how their
own practice relates to the conceptual and visual demands and how their art practice
might address the stated project goals. When applying to the RFQ, Artists and Artist
Teams may apply for one or multiple opportunities that they feel they can develop strong
concepts and visions for.
Please see eligibility requirements and more information here.