
Opulent Mobility 2023 call for art


Opulent Mobility challenges you to imagine a world where disability, mobility, and access are not merely functional, but opulent. In a time where COVID protections are being lifted but the dangers are still very real, what does opulent mobility mean?

Share your art that re-imagines disability and true freedom of movement!

Opulent Mobility is curated by Anthony Tusler and A. Laura Brody. This international show is now in its 10th year. We accept 2-D and sculptural work, music files, and performances on digital media. Early deadline to submit work is July 31, final deadline August 31. Artists will be notified in mid September.

A flat $20 fee covers administrative costs, and artists may share up to 10 works each. Please contact the founder A. Laura Brody if the fee causes hardship.

To submit work, go to https://www.opulentmobility.com/submit-artwork.html

OM 2023 will be held at the Los Angeles Makery and at www.opulentmobility.com.
The show will go online December 23, 2023 and the in-person exhibit will  run January 7-31, 2024.

Accessibility features: art descriptions in text and in audio files, ASL interpreters at the opening and online artist talk, artists may submit digital files instead of shipping artworks, and submissions may be sent either through the online form or directly to the founder. Use the contact page on the website for more assistance.

Apply Now


Expires: 2023-08-22


Opulent Mobility


Los Angeles


260 S. Los Angeles St, LA, CA 90012


Artist Calls


Visual Arts

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