Home > Opportunities > BLUE
Home > Opportunities > BLUE
BLUE juried by Jen Tough
ONLINE Exhibition dates May 17 – July 2, 2021
Enter through CaFE
In this exhibition, BLUE is the HUE! So many intriguing shades of blue to work with including cyan, cobalt, cerulean, azure, navy, Prussian, indigo, periwinkle, royal, sapphire, steel, slate, sky or baby blue. Which ones inspire or challenge you? For this exhibit, the color BLUE should figure prominently in your work. Sculptural and 3D pieces are welcome.
Contemporary, expressionistic, abstract, exploratory, and/or experimental entries encouraged.
This show is juried by gallerist Jen Tough. Jen is the founder of The Artist Alliance Community, an online membership site focusing on both professional and creative development for visual artists. www.JenTough.gallery www.ArtistAlliance.community
Open to all artists age 16 and over.
Works previously shown at the O’Hanlon Gallery in-house or online are not eligible.
Works do NOT need to be for sale.
Each artist may submit up to 3 individual pieces of artwork for consideration into this juried show. Diptyque and Triptiques are considered 1 piece of work. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept film or video at this time.
Submissions fees to O’Hanlon Center for the Arts: $40 for NON-Members
$30 for O’Hanlon Members – Coupon Codes for members will be shared with members
Or join as a NEW member now for $95/1 year, and get a free submission. A Coupon Code will be provided after you join.