Arts Education & Reentry Through the Arts apps due March 22It's been a busy grant season, but it's not over yet! Three CAC programs are still open and accepting applications. Make sure you don't miss out. Arts Education - Artists in Schools, Arts Education - Professional Development, and Reentry Though the Arts are all due March 22. Click here for program details.
Opportunity: Arts in Corrections RFPThe California Arts Council is now accepting proposals from arts organizations interested in providing arts programming to inmates at state adult correctional facilities. A Q&A document featuring public questions and responses is now available on the Arts in Corrections webpage. The final deadline for proposals is March 26 at 5:00 p.m. PST. Get more details in our press release.
Smart needs art! File your taxes, keep arts in schoolsApril 18 is just a little more than a month away - do you still need to file your taxes? Arts education still needs your support! Make a donation to the Keep Arts in Schools Fund through your state tax return. 100% of your tax-deductible contribution is applied to arts education programming supported by the California Arts Council. Get the details here. |