Ovation asks Californians to "Stand for the Arts"The California Arts Council is thrilled and honored to have been chosen by the Ovation Foundation for national attention in their "Stand for the Arts" campaign, which launched on March 25th in Washington, D.C. One of their three causes is restoration of the California Arts Council's budget. MORE >>
Symposium Video: Creativity & Innovation in Public EducationArts and policy experts gathered on March 4, 2014 at architect Frank Gehry's studio in Los Angeles for a thought provoking symposium to address critical issues facing the arts and education. Watch archived video of the 15th Annual WESTAF Cultural Policy Symposium, co-hosted by the California Arts Council and Gehry Partners, on our YouTube Channel. MORE >>
Join our team! Arts Grants Administrator JobsThe California Arts Council will be hiring individuals to fill program administrator positions for the first time in over ten years. Currently there are two vacancies to be filled. This is a rare opportunity to join a hard working agency during an exciting time of growth. Check out the posting at this link and help spread the word! The current testing period closes on March 30, 2014. MORE >> |